Saturday, September 27, 2014

Goulash//Daughter of Smoke and Bone Style

The Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one of my favorite books. Laini Taylor crafts a wonderful book of eloquent writing, plot, and characters. One of the first scenes in the entire book is Zuzana and Karou eating goulash after school at one of their favorite hangouts, The Poison Kitchen. 

Goulash- A highly seasoned Hungarian soup or stew of meat and vegetables, flavored with paprika.
-Oxford Concise American Dictionary

After feeling a little bit booksick (homesick for a book) for Karou and Zuzanna, but I decided to recreate their favorite food- goulash. I got my recipe from here, but I found it a bit confusing; so I would maybe follow the recipe from somewhere a little more concise such as from the Food Network. So I managed to get everything from my local farmer's market, except for a couple spices, (their food is delicious) and cook that night.

Some of my  ingredients: carrots, green pepper, potatoes, & parsnip

The goulash just before it boils with everything in it

Boiling Goulash- It takes about an hour and half on the stove after broiling
Not the most attractive picture

Fnished Goulash with Mult-grain bread 

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